"Youngsters dreaming
of World Cup glory!"

THE MAN HAD A PLAN. It would be a heist of audacious proportions, a daring dash across the border and back. Silver is what they were going to take, and lots of it. All in one day.

Mr. Red, the man with the little green bag, set about assembling the only team that could pull it off. Monsieur Bleu would case the joint and make all the arrangements. Mr. "Half-Time" Orange would get hold of the costumes. The Don would supply the ammunition; Mr. Big would do the shooting (Mr. Red had supplied him with lethal weapons of unerring accuracy - even Mr. Big couldn't miss). Mr. Shabby (a.k.a "The Hat") was there to find the holes and unpick the locks. The Twins (Twin B, and Twin D) would do the talking. Mr. White, and Harry Palmtop would take out anyone who fancied having a go. And if that didn't work, Mr. Crutches was there to tidy up behind them. Mr. O would supply the bottle. The Bandana would cover the flanks. Finally there was The Pole. He was, well, he was just The Pole.

They called themselves The Lags. They had a reservoir of talent. Could they pull off the ultimate job? Who would end up in the box? All they had to do was deal with Bruno and The Fat Man. The boys were confident. They couldn't fail. They didn't.

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